
Hot Rolled Plate (Cut to size)

Experience our meticulously cut hot rolled plate, tailored to your specifications. Crafted from premium-grade steel, unparalleled durability is offered for industrial and construction applications. With customizable sizing options, it's the perfect fit for any project.

JIS G 3131 - SPHC
BS EN 10025 - S275JR
BS EN 10025 - S355JR
JIS G 3101 - SS330
JIS G 3101 - SS400
Thickness Width x Length
4' x 8'
1219mm x 2438mm
5' x 10'
1524mm x 3048mm
5' x 20'
1524mm x 6096mm
  Calculated Weight
mm kg/pc lb/pc pcs/mt kg/pc lb/pc pcs/mt kg/pc lb/pc pcs/mt
1.2 27.996 61.719 35.7 43.757 96.467 22.9 87.515 192.935 11.4
1.4 32.661 72.005 30.6 51.050 112.545 19.6 102.100 225.091 9.8
1.5 34.994 77.149 28.6 54.697 120.584 18.3 109.393 241.169 9.1
1.6 37.327 82.292 26.8 58.343 128.623 17.1 116.686 257.246 8.6
1.8 41.993 92.578 23.8 65.636 144.701 15.2 131.272 289.402 7.6
1.9 44.326 97.722 22.6 69.282 152.740 14.4 138.565 305.480 7.2
2.0 46.659 102.865 21.4 72.929 160.779 13.7 145.858 321.558 6.9
2.2 51.325 113.151 19.5 80.222 176.857 12.5 160.444 353.714 6.2
2.3 53.658 118.295 18.6 83.868 184.896 11.9 167.736 369.792 6.0
2.5 58.324 128.581 17.1 91.161 200.974 11.0 182.322 401.948 5.5
2.8 65.323 144.011 15.3 102.100 225.091 9.8 204.201 450.181 4.9
2.9 67.656 149.154 14.8 105.747 233.130 9.5 211.494 466.259 4.7
3.0 69.989 154.297 14.3 109.393 241.169 9.1 218.787 482.337 4.6
3.2 74.655 164.584 13.4 116.686 257.246 8.6 233.372 514.493 4.3
3.8 88.652 195.443 11.3 138.565 305.480 7.2 277.130 610.960 3.6
4.0 93.318 205.730 10.7 145.858 321.558 6.9 291.716 643.116 3.4
4.3 100.317 221.159 10.0 156.797 345.675 6.4 313.594 691.350 3.2
4.5 104.983 231.446 9.5 164.090 361.753 6.1 328.180 723.506 3.0
5.0 116.648 257.162 8.6 182.322 401.948 5.5 364.644 803.895 2.7
5.8 135.312 298.308 7.4 211.494 466.259 4.7 422.988 932.518 2.4
6.0 139.978 308.594 7.1 218.787 482.337 4.6 437.573 964.674 2.3
7.5 174.972 385.743 5.7 273.483 602.921 3.7 546.967 1205.843 1.8
8.0 186.637 411.459 5.4 291.716 643.116 3.4 583.431 1286.232 1.7
9.0 209.966 462.892 4.8 328.180 723.506 3.0 656.360 1447.011 1.5
10.0 233.296 514.324 4.3 364.644 803.895 2.7 729.289 1607.790 1.4
11.0 256.625 565.757 3.9 401.109 884.285 2.5 802.218 1768.569 1.2
12.0 279.955 617.189 3.6 437.573 964.674 2.3 875.147 1929.348 1.1
13.0 303.285 668.621 3.3 474.038 1045.064 2.1 948.076 2090.127 1.1
14.0 326.614 720.054 3.1 510.502 1125.453 2.0 1021.004 2250.906 1.0
15.0 349.944 771.486 2.9 545.967 1205.843 1.8 1093.933 2411.685 0.9
16.0 373.273 822.919 2.7 583.431 1286.232 1.7 1166.862 2572.465 0.9

Thickness Width x Length
6' x 8'
1219mm x 2438mm
6' x 10'
1524mm x 3048mm
6' x 20'
1524mm x 6096mm
  Calculated Weight
mm kg/pc lb/pc pcs/mt kg/pc lb/pc pcs/mt kg/pc lb/pc pcs/mt
1.2 - - - - - - - - -
1.4 - - - - - - - - -
1.5 - - - - - - - - -
1.6 - - - - - - - - -
1.8 - - - - - - - - -
1.9 - - - - - - - - -
2.0 - - - - - - - - -
2.2 - - - - - - - - -
2.3 - - - - - - - - -
2.5 - - - - - - - - -
2.8 - - - - - - - - -
2.9 - - - - - - - - -
3.0 105.012 231.509 9.5 131.286 289.434 7.6 262.573 578.868 3.8
3.2 112.013 246.943 8.9 140.039 308.730 7.1 280.078 617.459 3.6
3.8 133.015 293.245 7.5 166.296 366.616 6.0 332.592 733.233 3.0
4.0 140.016 308.679 7.1 175.048 385.912 5.7 350.097 771.824 2.9
4.3 150.517 331.830 6.6 188.177 414.855 5.3 376.354 829.711 2.7
4.5 157.518 347.264 6.3 196.930 434.151 5.1 393.859 868.302 2.5
5.0 175.020 385.849 5.7 218.811 482.390 4.6 437.621 964.780 2.3
5.8 203.023 447.584 4.9 253.820 559.572 3.9 507.641 1119.144 2.0
6.0 210.024 463.018 4.8 262.573 578.868 3.8 525.145 1157.736 1.9
7.5 262.530 578.773 3.8 328.216 723.585 3.0 656.432 1447.170 1.5
8.0 280.032 617.358 3.6 350.097 771.824 2.9 700.194 1543.648 1.4
9.0 315.036 694.527 3.2 393.859 868.302 2.5 787.718 1736.603 1.3
10.0 350.040 771.697 2.9 437.621 964.780 2.3 875.242 1929.559 1.1
11.0 385.043 848.867 2.6 481.383 1061.258 2.1 962.767 2122.515 1.0
12.0 420.047 926.037 2.4 525.145 1157.736 1.9 1050.291 2315.471 1.0
13.0 455.051 1003.206 2.2 568.908 1254.214 1.8 1137.815 2508.427 0.88
14.0 490.055 1080.376 2.0 612.670 1350.692 1.6 1225.339 2701.383 0.82
15.0 525.059 1157.546 1.9 656.432 1447.170 1.5 1312.864 2894.339 0.76
16.0 560.063 1234.715 1.8 700.194 1543.648 1.4 1400.388 3087.295 0.71

 Inquiry - Hot Rolled Plate (Cut to size)